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Hand-Knotted Persian Afshar Long Rug

Item Details

A hand-knotted Persian Afshar tribal long rug. This gorgeous, artistic wool area rug is rendered in an abrashed palette of coral, mocha, cornsilk, camel, peach, tan, and rose and black. It begins with a serrated lozenge grounded in mocha, featuring a compact herati pattern incorporating stylized palmettes, flowers and foliates. The lozenge floats over an abrashed coral field, which is populated with two small, female human figures and occasional birds, flowers and vases. Spandrels are grounded in cornsilk and filled with botehs, vines and flowers. The field is framed by seven borders, including a main border featuring coral cabbage roses over camel, while minor borders include chains of botehs and diagonal stripes. Selvedges are overcast, the rug finishing at each end with twisted tan wool warp fringe. It is unlabeled.

Type Area Rug
Manufacturing Process Handmade
Origin Iran


50.0" W x 0.25" H x 85.5" D

- approximately 4.2’ W x 7.1’ D.

Item #


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