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Vintage Handwoven Persian Shiraz Wool Area Rug

Item Details

A vintage handwoven Persian Shiraz wool area rug. This rug is rendered in a palette of carnelian, indigo, mahogany, salmon, wheat, ivory, and sepia. The carnelian red hued field is densely populated and begins with a stepped diamond medallion on a dart patterned pole, and infilled with a rectilinear form and florettes. The lozenged field also features an array of floral motifs and oak leaves, while the indigo ground features similar motifs along with a hooked medallion to each corner, and ram’s horns along the edges. Framing the field is a main border which is wider at the edges and features more floral motifs as well as flowering branches and rosettes, there also sawtooth and barber pole patterned borders. Finishing this rug are overcast selvedges and a goat hair warp fringe to the ends. Unlabeled.

Type Area Rug
Manufacturing Process Handmade


- to fair; wear to the pile and edges; minor threadbare ares and a small hole.


51.5" W x 0.25" H x 95.0" D

- approximately 4.2’ W x 7.9’ D.

Item #


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