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Hand-Knotted Kazak Lesghi Wool Area Rug

Item Details

A hand-knotted Kazak Lesghi wool area rug. The rug has been worked in a rich palette of shades of teal, salmon, ivory, buff, cocoa, chocolate, indigo, gray, midnight, and brick. It has five light colored medallions incorporating Lesghi stars alternating with repeating motifs. It has a dense field of symmetrical geometric forms, combs, lobed flowers, cruciform motifs, stylized trees, florets, birds, and animals. The compound border includes bands of barber pole stripes, laleh abaasi. flowers and leaves, twining S- shapes, and a primary border infilled with a crab border in alternating colors. The selvedges has been restored. There is applied fringe, likely from a prior restoration, and the slightly shortened ends have been stabilized with blanket stitches. It is unlabeled.

Type Area Rug
Manufacturing Process Handmade
Period Vintage


- carpet has stripes of wear to pile, newer fringe is applied and ends of rug have been blanket stitched to stabilize the warp and weft threads.


64.75" W x 0.25" H x 106.5" D

- approximately 5.9′ × 8.8′.

Item #


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