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Hand-Knotted Semi-Antique Afshar Wool Area Rug

Item Details

A semi-antique hand-knotted Afshar wool area rug. It features a large central stepped, arrow pendant lozenge filled with symbolic elements likely representing amulets in a palette of reds, ecru, taupes, cinnamon and blues on a deep indigo blue field. The spandrels are filled with very rectilinear boteh in the field colors, framed by a diagonal stripe guard border. The complex compound border includes varied styles of carnation meanders and wide primary band of large rondels and serrated leaves on an eggshell field. The outer bands feature ‘S’ forms and additional diagonal elements, again in the field colors. It has overcast edges in deep brown, with woven panels to each and and ending in soft, twisted wool warp fringe. It is unlabeled.

Type Area Rug
Manufacturing Process Handmade
Period Vintage


- to poor for age and use conditions; all edges are worn and frayed; discoloration and fading with abrash throughout. Professional cleaning only is recommended if needed.


57.75" W x 0.5" H x 85.0" D

- approximately 4.81′ × 7.08′.

Item #


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