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Hand-Knotted Caucasian Area Rug

Item Details

A Caucasian area rug. This wool rug is hand-knotted in a palette of camel, taupe, crimson, mocha, and cream. It begins with a trefoil lozenge, which contains three octagonal medallions, each seeded with a cross shape at the center, surrounded by in-pointing arrows, the lozenge resting on a crimson field. Filler motifs in the lozenge and field include geometric florets, combs, stars, and octagons. Framing the field are compound borders, including a primary border featuring stepped stars enclosing segmented diamonds. The primary border is flanked by thin barber pole minor borders and two wider Ghiordes double-S patterned borders over mocha and taupe. Selvedges are double overcast, the rug finishing at either end with brown wool warp fringe that may include goat hair. The rug is unlabeled.

Type Accent Rug
Manufacturing Process Handmade
Period Neither


- there are some minor stains; fringe is unbound and uneven; the rug could benefit from professional cleaning.


60.0" W x 0.25" H x 100.0" D

- approximately 5’ W x 8.3’ D.

Item #


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