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Handwoven Tabriz-Style Area Rug

Item Details

A handwoven wool Tabriz-style area rug. It has an ivory field densely populated with rectilinear filler motifs and floral and foliate design centered around an open blossom, in a palette of pale pink, shades of blue, salmon and mocha. It features small vase forms and sprays of lobed flowers and features a compound border in bright blue, salmon and pale pink. The primary border is a deep indigo with alternating inverted palmettes and lotus blossoms. It has a small kilim skirt and cotton warp fringe to either end. It has a coarse weave with knobbed knot nodules to the verso, and is unmarked.


- lightly worn. Fringe is worn and unraveling in spots.


106.0" W x 0.5" H x 142.0" D

- measures approximately 8.8′ × 11.8′.

Item #


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