Itzchak Tarkay Signed Seriolithograph "Peaceful Moment III"
Item Details
A seriolithograph on paper reproduction of a print by well-listed Serbian-Israeli artist Itzchak Tarkay (1935-2012), titled Peaceful Moment III. The print depicts a woman seated in an ornate chair looking out an open window at a brightly blooming garden. Seriolithographs are a type of printing utilized specifically by Park West Gallery; it uses a combination of modern offset lithography and serigraph printing methods. A 1999 Certificate of Authenticity from Fine Art Sales, Inc & Fine Art Gallers Inc. in Florida incorrectly states that the piece is an original serigraph. The print is signed and numbered LXXVII/C (77/100) in pencil in the lower margin. An embossed stamp with an indecipherable phrase is visible in the lower left margin. The print is double-matted in white and gold and is presented behind glass in a gold-toned tiered wooden frame. A wire is attached to the verso of the piece for hanging. More information about the artist can be found under Related Links.
-surface damage across top of frame.
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