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William J. Greenwood Coastal Landscape Oil Painting, Late 20th Century

Item Details

William J. Greenwood (Pennsylvania, 20th Century)
Untitled, late 20th century
Oil on canvas
Signed to verso

Pennsylvania-based artist William J. Greenwood began painting abstract art in the early 1960s before developing a specialty for landscape and coastal paintings. From 1962 to 1965, he studied at Hussian College with concentrations in Graphic Design, Illustration, Photography and Fine Art. He continued his studies at Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts from 1965 to 1967. From thereon until 1979, Greenwood studied with his longtime mentor Morris Blackburn with whom he completed a traveling fellowship, during which he worked in Blackburn’s studio in Taos, New Mexico. Greenwood became known for his studio, plein air landscape and marine art and was eventually elected to Who’s Who in American Art in the 1970s and 80s.


- some abrasions throughout; considerable accretion and stains throughout; some scratches, chips and finish loss throughout frame.


29.0" W x 25.0" H x 3.0" D

- measurement of frame; canvas measures approximately 20" W x 16" H.

Item #


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