Used Designer Handbags & Purses: Online Buying Guide

While an afternoon of hitting the shops to discover the latest in designer handbags is an enjoyable excursion, not everyone can splurge on a full-price find. And unfortunately, you just won’t find vintage designer purses in department stores. Luckily, adding a designer bag to your collection doesn’t have to mean forking over full payment for the latest looks or a treasured vintage piece. Whether you’re a handbag connoisseur or you simply want statement designer pieces, shopping used designer handbags online can score you a designer label for a fraction of the cost. While there are some items you may feel compelled to avoid purchasing secondhand, a handbag shouldn’t be one of them. In fact, buying a used designer handbag gives you a chance to purchase a vintage piece or hard-to-find style that’s impossible to own otherwise.

Highly coveted thanks to their exceptional craftsmanship, creativity, and class, designer handbags are also some of the most commonly replicated. Buying a bag online can be especially tricky because you’re relying on photos and the seller’s information rather than an in-person assessment. Everything But The House strives to provide you with as much item information as possible. With these tips in mind on your online shopping escapades, the more likely it is you’ll be over the moon when your purchase arrives.

Do Your Research

Before you lay out the cash for a used luxury designer handbag, research the style you’re considering — especially if it’s a vintage item. Pore through manufacturer and retailer websites and scroll through fashion sites to find information about the bag you want to buy if it’s one of this season’s styles. Check the dimensions, material, and any other descriptions of the bag and make sure they match the online listing.

You might expect to pay less when buying used, but this isn’t always the case — some designers are in such hot demand that bidding online may have you paying retail equivalent or more, especially if you’re looking at a specialty vintage piece or the “it bag” of the season. Thorough research can help you determine your own maximum price point for a purchase. You will be better equipped to buy a quality bag when you’re armed with a bit of knowledge about its construction and retail specifics, and knowing what the details look like can also help you spot counterfeit items.

Manufacturer and retail websites aren’t the only source of information you should peruse. Other customers are the often great sources for unbiased, real-world information about a product. Comments relating to how the bag holds up over time and any complaints about common patterns of wear and tear can also help you decide if a bag is right for you.

Consider Your Use

Once you’ve scrutinized others’ reviews, decide how that information is relevant to your situation. If you’re looking to purchase a used designer handbag that’ll become part of a treasured collection, you might be willing to get something that you know wears out over time because you won’t use it much. If you want an everyday bag, get something that’s sturdy enough for constant handling and toting your daily supplies. Keep in mind that you should consider the bag’s previous owner, too; even if you don’t plan on carrying the bag often, it may have seen everyday use in its previous life. An accurate listing with detailed pictures like those on EBTH can help you get a better idea of the handbag’s condition.

Use an Eagle Eye

In a world awash with fake designer handbags, it can be difficult to tell authentic from counterfeit designs, especially when you’re purchasing online. When you buy through a premier auction or estate seller like EBTH that can verify authenticity you don’t have to worry about this, but take note if you’re browsing other online marketplaces.

When it comes to used designer handbags, the devil is in the details. While a bag may look authentic, sometimes the smallest clues reveal an imposter. Some companies, including Chanel, Prada, Gucci, and Louis Vuitton, put serial numbers on all of their handbags; it’s critical to investigate further if you don’t note one on the bag, because vintage items may not have these features. Other companies may have a logo or label that always looks a certain way. For instance, the “R” in Prada has a slight curve where the name is placed on its designer handbags. Many counterfeiters omit this minor detail—just one reason why thorough brand research is crucial before you buy designer purses online.

Keep Your Expectations in Check

As with any pre-owned purchase, keep in mind that, designer or not, the handbag may have a storied past. Don’t be surprised if you find a piece that’s in good shape but looks a bit well-loved. Scuffs on the bottom or a scratch on the clasp are expected unless the seller has stored the bag properly without using it.

Whether you’re splurging on a statement piece or adding to your collection, buying a used designer handbag is one of the best ways to treat yourself. With a firm grasp on the guidelines above, it’s time to get shopping. By providing pictures that are clear and listings that are as detailed as possible, EBTH takes the stress out of shopping for a designer bag online. The only decision left for you to make is to choose between Kate Spade or Louis Vuitton.

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