Featured Artist:

Henry Faulkner: Artist & Bohemian

Featured Artist - Henry Faulkner

We recently had the privilege to host the sale of “Bunny, Putti, and Cats”, a colorful, whimsical and free expression from folk painter Henry Faulkner. The painting, featured in our ‘2020 Kickoff Landmark Collection’, is a fantastic representation of the work that helped make Henry Faulkner known and loved.

Faulkner was born in rural Holland, Kentucky in 1924. An orphan, and listless wanderer, the artist lived a bohemian lifestyle but eventually settled in Lexington, Kentucky. His lifetime of travel and friendships took him to Key West, Taormina, Italy, New York, and California, and blossomed relationships with the likes of Ernest Hemingway, Tennessee Williams, Ezra Pound, and other icons of art and literature.

Featured Artist - Henry Faulkner
Featured Artist - Henry Faulkner

Considered an eccentric, perhaps, most notably for bringing a bourbon-drinking goat to parties, Faulkner is now remembered as a brilliant poet and artist. Unfortunately, in 1981, his time and talents were taken suddenly in an auto accident.

Look for these two works by the rebellious artist in the Spring 2020 Landmark Collection coming this March:

Featured Artist - Henry Faulkner

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